Discord has proven to be one of the best platforms for any sort of communication whatsoever. And if you are bored with chatting via texts, you can always make video or voice calls. But there are instances where you might not be comfortable using your own voice. This is where text-to-speech Discord can be used as a workaround. 

Not only you can use text-to-speech on your own server, but also cater the same to another server where text-to-speech has been enabled. Just bear in mind, text-to-speech in Discord is only available for Windows and macOS for the time being. Here are some of the most prominent ways to use text-to-speech. 

Also Read: How to Make Discord Video Call on Desktop and Mobile

How to Enable Text-to-Speech on Discord?

You need to enable text-to-speech on your channel before you can use the same. So, for all the server administrators and owners, you can easily make changes within the channel settings. Follow the steps down below to enable text-to-speech: 

Step 1: At first, log in to Discord using the web app or desktop app. From the list of channels, pick your preferred channel and click on the ‘Gear’ icon to open the Channel Settings

Step 2: Once you have entered the Settings menu, click on Permissions from the left-hand side. 

Step 3: Here you can select users based on their individual roles, or simply choose ‘@everyone’. This will showcase a complete list of all the available permissions on the right. Tick the green checkbox ‘Send TTS Messages’ to enable text-to-speech for all members. 

Step 4: Scroll down at the bottom to update your preferences and select ‘Save Changes.’ 

Step 5: Once you have enabled text-to-speech, every member of the server would be able to send text-to-speech messages. You can also repeat the same for your remaining channels as well. 

How to Use Text-to-Speech on Discord?

If you have already enabled text-to-speech on your channel, you can easily send TTS messages by simply typing /tts in the chat section, followed by your message. 

For example, if you type /tts hello, how are you? Discord will active text-to-speech while repeating the sentence ‘hello, how are you?’ followed by your nickname on Discord. At the same time, users can also view the message in the form of text. 

How to Mute All Text-to-Speech Messages?

If you don’t prefer text-to-speech messages to pop up, there is a way around the same as well. Follow the steps mentioned below to mute every text-to-speech message: 

Step 1: From the bottom left corner, click on the ‘Gear’ icon to open the User Settings menu. 

Step 2: Once you are in the menu, go to ‘Text & Images’ you will find from the left side. Under the ‘Text-To-Speech’ section, toggle the slider ‘Allow playback and usage of /tts command’ to disable the function. 

Once you have saved your preference, you won’t be able to use the /tts command by yourself as well. In order to enable text-to-speech, simply repeat the above-mentioned steps. 

Top Text-to-Speech Bots to Use on Discord 

Apart from using the standard text-to-speech functionality, you can always step up your game using dedicated Discord Bots. Here are some of the most sought-after text-to-speech bots on Discord: 

1. ST Manager

ST Manager is a highly efficient Discord bot that is especially catered towards disabled people. Not to mention, you can also use ST Manager for text-to-speech on various voices, accents, and languages. 

In fact, the ST Manager bot currently supports 100+ languages backed by various accents. For reference, you can expect how the voices from GoogleAppleAmazon, or Microsoft differ from one another. 

Get ST Manager

2. Orator 

Orator is one of the most commonly used text-to-speech bots on Discord. It offers extensive support for up to 50+ different languages. As for user-specific features, you can easily set up restrictions as well as create a default server language. 

In order to set up the default server language, simply use ‘Default Bot Prefix = /’. Furthermore, you can rest assured that Orator doesn’t store any of the messages whatsoever. It only keeps a count of the Server IDs along with the Restricted IDs

Get Orator

3. Hawking

Last but not the least, we have Hawking’s which can be considered one of the most comprehensive text-to-speech bots for Discord. Not to mention, it is a funny element to it, which can keep users entertained for hours. 

With Hawking’s, you can rest assured, not get bored in any way whatsoever. With this Discord bot, you can send a plethora of records such as Fakeyou or Ubderduck, and keep your users engaged. 

Get Hawking

Recommended: How to Make a Welcome Channel in Discord


This goes without saying, text-to-speech is one of the best features on Discord. With a little bit of tweaking and spending time around customization, you can create the perfect text-to-speech setup for your server. 

Tathagata is a avid lover of sci-fi films and technology. An aspiring electrical engineer and a passionate technical writer. He is very friendly, realist and always on the hunt for latest technological advancements.


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