While surfing the internet, we often encounter a three-digit code called the HTTP status code. It is a response from a server to a client’s request. You get different status codes, such as 404 Not Found, 403 Forbidden, 502 Bad Gateway, etc. In this article, I will explain what HTTP 201 status code is, which belongs to the second category of HTTP status codes, i.e., Success. 

What is HTTP?

HTTP stands for ​​Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is an application protocol that provides the framework for web-based communication. Data interchange between a client (such a web browser) and a server is made possible through HTTP. This protocol controls how the client submits requests and how the server responds.

The client requests information from the server using the client-server model of HTTP, and the server responds by providing the requested information. A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that identifies the requested resource, such as a file or web page, is often included in the request. The server responds with the requested data, which may be HTML content, photos, videos, or any other kind of resource, after processing the request.

What is HTTP Status Code?

The HTTP status codes are three-digit numbers that represent the result or status of a client’s request to a server. An HTTP status code is included in the response header when a client delivers a request over HTTP to a server. This code gives details regarding the request’s success, failure, or other circumstances.

There are various categories into which the HTTP status codes are divided, each of which has a particular set of status codes:

  • Informational (1xx)
  • Success (2xx)
  • Redirection (3xx)
  • Client Error (4xx)
  • Server Error (5xx)

What is HTTP 201 Status Code? 

The HTTP 201 status code is a success code that denotes the creation of a new resource on the server as a result of a request being successfully fulfilled. In response to POST requests, where the client sends information to be saved on the server, it is typically utilized.

A Location header that indicates the URL of the newly generated resource is often included in the response when a server returns a status code of 201. By using the URL provided, the client can now retrieve or interact with the generated resource.

The server successfully processed the request, which resulted in the creation of the new resource, according to the HTTP 201 status code. For situations like making a new user account, submitting a form, or adding a record to a database, it is a helpful piece of code.

Example of HTTP 201 Status Code

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: https://example.com/resources/new-resource
Content-Type: application/json

  “id”: 12345,
  “name”: “New Resource”,
  “created_at”: “2023-05-26T12:00:00Z”

In this case, the server returns a 201 status code along with the Location header containing the address of the newly created resource. The response body may also include more details about the resource, like its name, unique identifier (id), and creation timestamp.

Also Read: HTTP 204 Status Code Explained: Understanding No Content Responses

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The HTTP 201 status code indicates a resource was successfully generated and gives the client the information they need to access or interact with the new resource. We hope this article helped you understan what exactly the HTTP 201 status code is. If you have any issues, do let us know in the comments. 

A passionate freelance technical writer with several years of experience specializing in crafting engaging technical content for a diverse range of businesses and platforms. With a track record of developing original, client-centric content, I excel at tailoring my writing to meet the unique needs of each project. Thorough research and attention to detail enable me to deliver content that not only meets but exceeds client expectations.


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