There are several instances where you might find ChatGPT simply giving outdated responses. While other times, the website is simply down for good. 2023 has been marked as the year of conversational AI, and there should be no room for compromises. 

With further technological advancements, there have been several AI tools resurfaced as ChatGPT alternatives. All these websites offer a similar ChatGPT experience, with some additional features for your convenience. 

We are dedicating this article to the best ChatGPT alternative that you can find out there in the internet. Starting from charming personas to AI taking your conversations to the next level, we have covered them all. 

Read: Top 10 Best ChatGPT Chrome Extensions You Can Try

Top ChatGPT Alternatives to Check Out

1. Chatsonic

Chatsonic is one of the newest ChatGPT alternatives that has been all over time news lately. Built on top of ChatGPT, ensures that Chatsonic inherits all the features that OpenAI has to offer. Furthermore, it offers additional functionalities including the ability to access the internet. 

This allows Chatsonic to offer more accurate answers along with being less prone to errors whatsoever. Offering a total of 16 different personas, you are never going to run out of ideas while conversing with Chatsonic. Be it an accountant or a creative poet, Chatsonic can mimic them all. 

Try Chatsonic

2. Jasper Chat

Jasper has been catering to the AI content-generation business while making quite a name for itself. Partnering with OpenAI, the company has introduced Jasper Chat, based on GPT 3.5. Based on the company, Jasper Chat has been trained using billions of articles online and is well-versed in 29 different languages

The only catch is, all the information is limited to mid-2021. That being said, the company has added a toggle to include Google search results within its conversation. Overall, Jasper Chat is well equipped to hold medium to complex conversations on its own.

Try Jasper Chat

3. OpenAI Playground

It is imperative to understand that OpenAI Playground is not exactly meant for everyday use. On the contrary, it was meant to give users all the flavours of what ChatGPT has to offer. In case you are unable to access ChatGPT, you can always rely on this web-based tool. 

You can access a plethora of advanced functionalities, with the ability to choose any specific language model. This ChatGPT demo also allows you to upload an audio recording, with extensive support for speech-to-text inputs

Try OpenAI Playground

4. Replika

Replika is probably one of the very first artificial intelligence chatbots that started this new era of communication. That being said, Replika is catered toward building relationships and companionships. Build around GPT-3 language model, Replika is capable of learning from your previous inputs. 

You can simply start by creating your Replika avatar, giving its name, and customizing its looks based on your preference. With Replika you can discuss just everything. Not to mention, Pro Membership also gives you the functionality to straight-up video call the AI.  

Try Replika

5. Microsoft Bing

Surprised to see Microsoft Bing on our list? Given Microsoft’s hefty 10 Billion USD investment in OpenAI, they have now revealed their all-new upgraded Bing. This revamped Bing is backed by an upgraded version of ChatGPT, which Microsoft is calling the ‘Prometheus Model’.

This new version of Bing comes with a chat mode, which is capable of pulling data from the web while offering curated contextual information. Bing also allows users to plan tripslook for adviceget recipes, and just about everything ChatGPT is capable of. Furthermore, once released, Bing is going to be completely free

Join the Waitlist 

6. YouChat

YouChat is yet another conversational AI, just like ChatGPT baked right into their search engine. YouChat has been trained with a larger dataset as compared to ChatGPT, with the ability to hold out prominent conversations using the internet. 

Having a conversation with YouChat is as seamless as it can ever get. Simply type in your search query, to begin your conversation. Furthermore, with YouChat you can write codesunderstand complicated conceptsget advicesummarize articles, and more. Since YouChat is completely free to use, it’s worth giving a try. 

Try YouChat

7. Character AI

Character AI has been trained on neural language models, with the sole purpose of creating conversations with the users. What makes Character AI truly unique is that it allows users to pick from various personalities and start conversations likewise. 

For starters, right on the homepage, you can pick different characters starting from Tony StarkSocratesKanye WestElon Musk, and more. Based on the character you choose, the AI can completely change its conversational manner. Character AI also allows Microphone input, and even mimics different voices based on the character. 

Try Character AI

8. Neeva AI

While ChatGPT is certainly fun initially, you soon start to wonder that its database is restricted to 2021. This is where Neeva AI comes to play, adding that extra functionality to make your life easier. With Neeva AI, you can easily perform web searches, curated in a user-friendly manner. 

In fact, it also cites every single of its findings, so that you can easily visit the links to dig deeper. The only catch with Neeva AI is that the free version offers a limited ad-free experience. So, if you want to get unlimited ad-free searches, you need to upgrade to their premium plan.

Try Neeva AI

9. Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is yet another ChatGPT alternative on our list, which has taken a minimalistic approach toward user functionality. Perplexity AI has everything ChatGPT has to offer, along with the ability to cite its sources

Perplexity AI is able to keep up with any conversation whatsoever. The only catch is, it doesn’t record previous prompts. It surely makes up for it, being completely free to use without the need for any account whatsoever. 

Try Perplexity AI

10. Google Bard

Last but not least, on our list is the long-awaited chatbot from Google. According to Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai, Google Bard is deemed as an experimental conversational AI. Google Bard is based on a stripped-down version of LaMDA, which is the company’s next-gen language model. 

As of now, Google Bard is only available to only a handful of ‘Trusted Testers’. Officially Google hasn’t made any statement on when they are going to add the functionality to Google Search. It is only over time that we can get a clear idea of how Google’s AI holds up against ChatGPT.

Wrapping Up: ChatGPT Alternatives

So, there you have it, our list of some of the most prominent ChatGPT alternatives which are on par with the real deal. Once you have done your due diligence, let us know in the comment section below which AI chatbot you are rooting for to become the next big thing.

Tathagata is a avid lover of sci-fi films and technology. An aspiring electrical engineer and a passionate technical writer. He is very friendly, realist and always on the hunt for latest technological advancements.


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