ChatGPT has taken the internet by storm, with its ability to provide users with personalized answers based on individual queries. Not to mention, ChatGPT has a plethora of use cases based on the search intent. 

Users can write professional emails, create job-ready resumes, generate codes, and even compute spreadsheet formulas. Adding ChatGPT Chrome extensions to the mix further enhances their functionality to many folds. 

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the most prominent extensions that can improve ChatGPT itself or add AI capabilities to web apps for further improvement. Just make sure, prior to using any of the extensions, you need to create a free account on the OpenAI portal. 

Read: Top 10 ChatGPT Alternatives You Can Check Out

Top ChatGPT Chrome Extensions to Look for

1. WebChatGPT

One particular aspect where ChatGPT lags behind is its inability to access the latest information from the internet. Since ChatGPT pulls information from the 2021 database, sometimes the output might seem irrelevant at times. WebChatGPT adds that extra functionality, facilitating ChatGPT to show relevant web results from the internet. 

You get compiled information based on the links. Not to mention, you can further streamline your search result using filters such as regiontime, and the total number of results. Once done, you can also toggle off the feature to use standard ChatGPT. 

Install WebChatGPT

2. ChatGPT Writer

While ChatGPT predominantly focuses on providing a variety of functionalities, ChatGPT Writer caters to your email and messaging needs. It is a standalone extension that just requires your login from OpenAI.

Once you open ChatGPT Writer, it prompts you to provide the context of your response. You can further refine the result by providing as detailed information as possible. Upon receiving the request, you can expect a response almost instantaneously. If you want to get the most out of your emails, we highly recommend ChatGPT writer. 

Install ChatGPT Writer

3. ChatGPT for Google

As the name suggests, ChatGPT for Google brings the functionality of ChatGPT right into your Google search. With the help of this extension, you can expect ChatGPT response along with your Google search results. Simply log in to your OpenAI account and you are good to go. 

Furthermore, you don’t require any additional prompts to use the extension. With every Google search, ChatGPT simply replaces the existing knowledge panel from the right side of your search result. 

Install ChatGPT for Google

4. Merlin: OpenAI ChatGPT Powered Assistant

Unlike ChatGPT for Google, Marlin expands the scope of AI functionalities throughout your browser. Since Merlin heavily relies upon OpenAI’s GPT model, you can expect the same response across various prompts. 

You can summon Merlin by simply pressing CTRL (CMD for Mac) + M shortcut. The overall comes with a very intuitive UI which makes it very easy to understand and navigate. So the next time you need a quick heads up on your email or HTML code, don’t forget to summon Merlin. 

Install Merlin

5. TweetGPT

ChatGPT has found its way to a variety of things including Twitter. Not to mention, people throughout the internet have been using Twitter to express their creative ideas via various Tweets. But this induces the repetitive process of opening ChatGPT every single time, just to Tweet or provide a response. 

TweetGPT adds that functionality right to Twitter. After installing the extension, you can find a new Robot icon with the ‘New Tweet’ option. You can actually choose from a plethora of options to express your mood including funnyexcitedoptimistic, and even hillbilly. Simply click on any one of them and the extension will auto-generate a response for you. 

Install TweetGPT

6. YouTube Summary with ChatGPT

There have been several instances when you are simply bored with hour-long YouTube videos. The YouTube summary extension can help you just to get past it. Once installed, you can expect a dedicated YouTube summary section right next to any videos. Click on the box to open up YouTube transcripts

We are going to emphasize on ‘View AI Summary’ functionality, which allows you to get a quick summary of the entire video. The entire process is completely automated, with utmost accuracy. As long as you have clear audio, you are good to go.

Install YouTube Summary

7. ChatGPT Prompt Genius 

ChatGPT Prompt Genius is the perfect plaything for all the enthusiasts who want to get the most out of ChatGPT. Once installed, you will be redirected to a page comprising various prompts sorted based on categories. 

Choose your preferred prompt, and click on the yellow ‘play prompt’ button. ChatGPT will open up a new window with the new prompt. Simply use the extension to try out as many inputs as possible.

Install ChatGPT Prompt Genius

8. Summarize

Previously we have mentioned the YouTube Summary extension, which is only restricted to videos. Summarize opens a whole new world of possibilities that focuses on texts. That being said, using Summarize, you don’t have to visit the ChatGPT website altogether. 

You can simply open up any content including online articles, emails, or even websites, and click on Summarize. You can expect a neat summary within a matter of seconds. If you are always working around content, Summarize is a must-have for you.

Install Summarize

9. Fancy GPT

Fancy GPT is a Chrome extension that can easily beautify your ChatGPT conversations while including various design elements to it. Regardless of the type of conversion, Fancy GPT can export them all. 

As of now, Fancy GPT currently supports only Neon and Sketch but is expecting new additions to it. In order to use Fancy GPT, simply converse with ChatGPT and then click on the extension. It will import your entire conversion to another page with a new UI. 

Install Fancy GPT

10. Promptheus: Converse with ChatGPT

Last but not the least, on our list we have Promptheus. This adds a very handy functionality to ChatGPT which should have been developed by OpenAI themselves. With Promptheus, you can add microphone input to ChatGPT

This allows users to converse with the chatbot similar to Siri or Google Assistant. Within your ChatGPT conversation window, you can find Promptheus hovering right to the next. Simply hold the spacebar to use the same. 

Install Promptheus

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Which ChatGPT Chrome Extension You Liked the Most?

So that was our curated guide on some of the best extensions that you can add to Chrome to further enhance its functionalities. But that doesn’t mean you can blindly offload the majority of the work right into ChatGPT. 

While the AI capabilities of ChatGPT are certainly amazing, it is always a good idea to add your due diligence to the search results. So, let us know in the comment section below, which extension you are going to use on your browser.

Tathagata is a avid lover of sci-fi films and technology. An aspiring electrical engineer and a passionate technical writer. He is very friendly, realist and always on the hunt for latest technological advancements.


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