So, here you are finally excited to know all about the 5G network. In this article, we are discussing some of the most basic concepts of 5G and what makes it so special. What are you waiting for? Let’s dive into the world of 5G and learn how it’s connecting the world and revolutionizing the idea of communication. 

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What Exactly is 5G?

The 5th generation of mobile networks or more commonly known as 5G is the new global standard. Just like its predecessors 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G; 5G offers a completely different spectrum of the network ensuring that it can connect to everyone and bring forth all the devices, and machines together. 

The 5G technology is primarily meant for delivering multi-Gbps data speed along with ultra-low latency, reliability, and massive network capabilities are some of its hidden perks. 

What are the Benefits of 5G?

This goes without saying, the much-awaited hype around 5G is its unprecedented speed. But at the same time, it also offers various advantages as well.

For starters, a higher bandwidth makes sure that you are able to connect more devices at the same time. No more slow speed just because more users are on the same internet connection.

As stated earlier, this is also a significant decrease in latency. This is basically the time the cell phone takes to make a request to the server and get a response. In order words, communication with cloud platforms is going to be faster than ever before. 

Most Common Use Cases of 5G 

Due to its high speed and reliability, there are many use cases of 5G. It can be used for a broad spectrum. For starters, it can be used for enhanced mobile broadband, mission-critical communication as well as a massive implementation in IoT. And the best part, 5G offers the flexibility for forwarding compatibility, which means it can support devices in the distant future that is completely unknown today

Enhanced Mobile Broadband: Not only in smartphones, but 5G enables new opportunities for both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. With its faster, uniform data rates, users can expect a lower latency along with reduced cost-per-bit. 

Mission-Critical Communities: 5G can offer new services that can completely revolutionize the industry with its super reliable, always available, and stable network. This can benefit the remote operations of critical infrastructure, vehicles as well as any medical procedures. 

Massive IoT: 5G has the capability to seamlessly connect with a large number of embedded sensors. This again can be beneficial over scaling down the cost of data rates along with better mobility and power. With such lower connectivity costs, enterprises can mass-produce IoT devices. 

Read: What is a Private 5G Network?

How Fast We Can Download Using 5G

5g speed
Just for reference

According to a report by GSMA, the worldwide median download speed over 5G was 954% faster than that over 4G during Q3 2020. For better understanding, with a 5G network, you would be able to download a 2 hours movie within 10 seconds as compared to 7 minutes for 4G. That being said, there are several determining factors such as location and network traffic that can determine the download speed. 

Recommended: How Fast is 5G? 5G vs 4G Explained!

How Can We Use the 5G Network?

Just like any other generation of mobile connectivity, users need to have 5G enabled consumer devices to reap the benefits of 5G. In fact, all the major smartphone manufacturers including Apple, Samsung, Motorola, and OnePlus have already released their 5G devices. Enterprises can also take advantage of 5G, simply by opting for personal installation instead of any nationwide rollout. 

The Underlying Technology Behind 5G 

Basically, 5G is based on the OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) method. In order to reduce any interference, digital signals are modulated across various channels. The 5G NR air interface is used alongside OFDM. The wider bandwidth technologies such as sub-6 GHz and mmWave give it an edge over any other generation. 

Just like 4G LTE, 5G also operates on the same mobile networking principles. The only difference is, with the implementation of 5G NR, there’s a higher degree of flexibility as well as scalability

5G also ensures to use of multiple bandwidths by expanding the spectrum. That means, there is more likely to be reduced congestion. Neither less to say, multi Gbps speed, as well as low latency, are to name a few. 

As stated earlier, the sole purpose of 5G is not only to deliver faster and more reliable mobile bandwidth as compared to 4G but also to expand into new horizons. This includes mission-critical communications as well as a huge step up to IoT. 

Previous Generations of Mobile Network 

Before we leap into the future with the 5G technology, here’s what the previous generations of the mobile network were like. 

First Generation (1G): The first-ever implementation of the mobile network with the delivery of analog voice. 

Second Generation (2G): The introduction of digital voice. One of the most common examples is CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access.)

Third Generation (3G): The implementation and mass usage of mobile data. CDMA 2000 was one of them.

Fourth Generation (4G): An enhancement to the era of mobile broadband. 

Basically, every new iteration was designed to provide users with more connectivity, while improving the speed and reliability altogether. 5G is next on the line with a much better experience than ever before. 

Major Setbacks in 5G Technology 

Although the 5G technology comes with various bells and whistles, there are some severe setbacks we might face while implementing 5G. For starters, based on the survey conducted by GSMA, even by 2025 only 50% of all mobile communication will be using 5G. As for the remaining half, they might be still stuck with the older generation. There are some other concerns regarding the security of 5G as well. 

Also Read: What is Domain Name Server (DNS) and How it Works?

The Bottom Line 

For better or worse, the 5G network is here and it would be surrounding us in the coming years. Here was our curated guide on everything you needed to know about 5G technology. So, let us know in the comment section below.

Sunidhi is an avid consumer and creator of content. A green panther with a nache of gardening. She is always on the hunt for the next big thing, exploring the uncharted domains of the world.


  1. i have just 5g and I’ll tell you it does not impress me .there is no difference in speed movies are constantly buffering. that just ruins watching movies.

  2. Are you excited about using 5G?….. Not at all !!! Unless drastic modifications are implemented at the consumers connection point. Most of us, consumers, still have a copper connection from the street point to our homes and only few know how costly a cable installation is. As you said “the 5G network is here and it would be surrounding us in the coming years”. I shall look into it in ten years from now.

  3. My experience with 5 g is that on the cell phone side has been very nice. Much much quicker dowoads. No comparison really. Besides the technology is vastly superior to anything we had before. With the best yet to come. Luck has it that 4g lte will get upgraded as well to complement 5g service .


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