Google is celebrating the 100th iteration of its Chrome web browser with a completely new icon, various web apps, and a plethora of features that you might start to miss after a while. So, in this article let’s have a clear look into everything Chrome 100 has to say. 

The Changing Icon of Google Chrome

Ever since 2014, this is the first time ever that Google Chrome has actually adopted a new icon. Looking back at the icons, over time Google Chrome has shifted towards a more flattened design. This new icon is going to roll out on all platforms, although it might gradually take some time to reflect. 

Source: Google

Key Highlights of Chrome 100

As intuitive as it might sound, there are several features where Google is gradually pulling the plug. Here is a list of some of the new implementations made by Google on Chrome 100: 

1. Goodbye to Data Saver Mode

For a long time now, Google Chrome offered a ‘Lite Mode’ for all mobile devices including iPhone, Android, and iPad. Now for the first time ever, Google is shutting down its servers for data compression. 

According to the Chrome Support Manager, Chrome has implemented several improvements that can drastically minimize data usage. Not to mention, the lower mobile data cost adds up to the cause as well. 

2. Multiple Screen Support for Web Apps

With the Multi-Screen Windows Replacement API, web apps in Google Chrome 100 can detect multiple connected displays. In fact, Google has demonstrated the perfect example of a slideshow application. 

While the PPT presentation can be shown on one screen, the speaker notes can be given on another one. This is something that the native apps were capable of doing for a long time now. 

3. Additional Privacy: Removal of User-Agent Strings 

User-Agent Strings are something that actually allows the websites the collected data on a user’s device and operating system. While that information is certainly beneficial, it directly aligns with personal data, that can be easily used to build a user profile. 

This ‘unreduced’ user-agent string is only going to be supported up until Chrome 100. The introduction of User-Agent Client Hints API is going to further reduce the capabilities of websites acquiring such user data. Kudos to Google for adding that extra layer of privacy. 

4. One-Click Tab Muting

While Google Chrome was the first web browser to introduce tab muting, Google removed the functionality somewhere point in time. This is something that was already present in other web browsers including Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox. With Chrome 100, users can mute a tab by simply clicking on the speaker icons

Also Read: How to Reduce Image Size Directly on Google Chrome

Update to the Latest Google Chrome

So that was our curated guide on everything Google Chrome 100 has to offer. As for the latest iteration, Chrome will automatically install the updates once it is readily available across all devices. You can also check for any immediate updates by clicking on the three-dot menu and looking for the Help section. 

Tathagata is a avid lover of sci-fi films and technology. An aspiring electrical engineer and a passionate technical writer. He is very friendly, realist and always on the hunt for latest technological advancements.


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